Akira Yamamoto

Fighter ace of the Space Battleship Yamato, Akira “Rei” Yamamoto. This complete series pack is available to the general public through the LEGION SUPPLY DEPOT! This pack includes: Enjoy!-D.A. Stigy

Android 18

“What? I’m swimming.” Android 18, awash in a cerulean world. This complete series pack is available to the general public through the LEGION SUPPLY DEPOT! The pack includes: Enjoy!-D.A. Stigy

Kimber & Jem

LEGION POLL WINNERS! Kimber Benton and the mysterious singer Jem, of Jem and the Holograms Want a say in what I draw every month? Join the Legion! This complete series pack is available to the general public through the LEGION SUPPLY DEPOT This pack includes: Enjoy!-D.A. Stigy

G.I. Janes – Baroness

The Baroness was unsure of her pistol would function underwater. But if it didn’t, there was always her fang… This complete series pack is available to the general public through the LEGION SUPPLY DEPOT. This pack includes: Enjoy!-D.A. Stigy